There’s no better time to become an Esthetician in California or the United States at large than now. First of all the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projected that employment of Skincare Specialists will grow by 9% from 2022 to 2023 which is a lot faster than the average of all occupations.
Another interesting thing is that the skin care industry is a multi-billion dollar industry which hit a worldwide revenue of US$168.6 billion in 2022 and is expected to increase to US$210.7 billion by 2028 according to Statista. You see you’re totally on the right track.
Interestingly, there are accredited esthetician schools in California that can help you become a licensed skin care specialist within a short period. The same is applicable in Illinois, New York, Colorado, etc.
Before we list these schools, let’s first know how long it will take you to complete an esthetician program, the cost of studying an esthetics course, some online esthetician schools, and their license in California
How Long Is Esthetician School in California
It is required to complete a minimum of 600 hours of esthetics training in California before you’ll be able to sit for the state licensing exam. Most accredited esthetician schools in California take as little as 6 months to complete their training, some still take up to a year.
Some schools like Bellus Academy have additional hours to cover some other advanced parts, which in total might be up to 1 year. Whereas at Elite Cosmetology School, you can complete your program within 4 months which still covers the 600-hour requirements.
How Much is Esthetician School in California
There’s no one way answer to this because what determines the cost of an Esthetician School in California includes the school, the length of the program, and the exact location. You should expect their tuition and fees to be between $4,000 to $12,000.
Esthetician License Online California
Once you have completed your minimum of 600-hour esthetics program in California, the next process is to sit and write the California esthetician licensing exam where you’ll be assessed on your skincare understanding, makeup knowledge, and business practices.
After you have passed, you can now apply for the esthetician license from the California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology. That’s all you need to acquire your esthetician license online in California.
Accredited Esthetician Schools in California
1. Bellus Academy
Bellus Academy is not just accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS) but it is also the #1 Job Placement in the Nation by Modern Salon, making it among the best beauty schools in California.
At their 600-hour esthetics 101 program you’ll be learning from fundamental to advanced skincare analysis, facial treatments, hair removal techniques, etc. During the Esthetics 103, you’ll be adding an extra 300 hours where you’ll focus on advanced peel applications, mechanical exfoliation methods, thorough analysis of damaged skin, etc.
- Locations
- Chula Vista, CA
- El Cajon, Ca
- Poway, CA
2. California College of Barbering and Cosmetology
This is among the accredited esthetician schools in California by NACCAS that doesn’t only provide esthetics programs but also cosmetology, manicure, and barbering. Their 600-hour (six months) esthetics course takes a whole new approach, where you’ll be learning the art, science, and health aspects of it.
- Location
- 1024 East March Lane Stockton CA 95210
3. Milan Institute – Advanced Esthetician
Milan Institute is known to provide one of the best Esthetician programs in California, Nevada, and Texas. You’ll be embarking on this adventure for 45 weeks, just like the name you’ll be moving from basic manipulative skills, safety judgments, etc, to advanced education and skills training in cutting-edge treatments.
After the course, you’ll be completely prepared to take the State Board Examination which is a prerequisite to getting a job in esthetics or any related career.
- Locations
- Bakersfield, California
- Clovis, California
- Merced, California
- Palm Desert, California
4. Newberry School of Beauty
Just like other accredited esthetician schools in California, Newberry School of Beauty is also accredited by NACCAS and provides a 600-hour esthetic program that will be completed within 5 months. The program will cost you a total sum of $7,017.50 including tuition, equipment, literature, registration fee, and STRF fee.
- Location
- 16852 Devonshire St. Granada Hills, CA 91344
5. Elite Cosmetology School
This is one of the accredited Cosmetology schools in California that offers programs in cosmetology, barbering, barbering crossover, esthetics, and advanced education. Their 600-hour esthetician program can be taken completely on-campus or as a hybrid course (50% online and 50% on campus).
Their program is quite short, within 4 months you’re done, and you’ll be focusing on facials, diamond peel, makeup application, waxing, and you’ll be doing some real-world training on real-life clients.
- Location
- 72-840 CA-111 Palm Desert, CA 92260
6. 1st Academy of Beauty
This is one of the skin care schools in CA that always provides an updated and comprehensive curriculum to their students. Their certificate program will help you to complete 170 hours of classroom instruction and 430 hours of practical training.
- Location
- 8823 Garvey Ave Unit B1, Rosemead, CA 91770
7. Advance Beauty College
Advance Beauty College is one of the best in the business when it comes to beauty education, having graduated more than 40,000 students and with over 36 years of experience. Their 600-hour esthetics program is broken down to 200 hours of Health & Safety, 350 hours of Skin Care, and 50 hrs Hair Removal, Lash & Brow Beautification.
- Location
- 10121 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843
8. ABA Beauty School
This is among the accredited esthetician schools in California that will be focusing on topics such as Facials, Microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and waxing amongst others. You’ll be opportune to work on real clients under proper supervision which gives you the real-world experience you need.
- Location
- 8428 Van Nuys Blvd. Panorama City, CA 91402
9. Adrian’s Beauty College
Just like other Esthetician programs in California, this is also a 600-hour course where you’ll be learning the fine art of European facial techniques combined with professional skin care products. Also, your training will be done with the state-of-the-art electrical equipment used in the Esthetics profession.
- Locations
- 124 Floyd Ave Modesto, CA 95350
- 1340 West Main Street Turlock, CA 95380-5116
- 3000 W. Grantline Rd. Tracy, CA 95304
10. Skyline College
Skyline College will be taking you on a 600-hour comprehensive esthetician training in California, where you combine theoritical foundation, hands-on practical experience, and business knowledge. Their program is approved by California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology.
- Location
- 3300 College Drive San Bruno, CA 94066
Now, let’s look into some online esthetics programs in CA.
Esthetician School Online California
It’s worth noting that accredited online skin care schools in California provide the same curriculum as traditional on-campus programs. However, it’s hard to find a school that provides a 100% online esthetician program due to the hands-on practical training needed, so we’ll be listing some hybrid esthetician schools in CA.
11. Advance Beauty College
ABC provides both on-campus and hybrid skin care programs in California which can be completed within 15 to 30 weeks. The cost of the program is the same as the on-campus which is $6,467 including tuition and other fees.
12. Elite Cosmetology School
This Esthetician School Online California provides a hybrid course that is divided into 50% online and 50% on campus.
Esthetician Careers in California
Estheticians in California have enormous options when choosing where to work, some of their career options include;
- Freelance Esthetician
- Waxer
- Product Demonstrators
- Shop Owner / Administrator
- Spa Esthetician
- Medical Esthetician
- Makeup Artist
- Salon Esthetician
- Esthetics Instructor
- Product Sales Representative
- Esthetics Consultant
- Wellness Center Esthetician
- Mobile Esthetician
Key Takeaway
Esthetician schools in California must be either accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS) or the California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology before they will be considered legitimate institutions. This accreditation helps them to meet CA’s minimum curriculum requirements and maintain a high level of education and training.
You should also consider the closeness of the school, its reputation, cost, and curriculum to ensure they meet your career goals.
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